Friday 9 April 2010

Zone 3 Images,Job Hunting and a Plan

Its frustrating that I don't have photoshop on my laptop. All the pictures are ready to edit so i have uploaded the specified files to web albums so I can download them at uni and edit them on the Macs. Then if I need assistance I have the technicians and I'm going to take my notes from my photoshop classes too.

I really want to enhance the imagery so I will go in after work on Monday and get cracking. Its a shame that the weather conditions are not better and I wonder if it would be worth re shooting them in better weather. However Photoshop is an amazing programme so I should be able to make them a lot brighter.

I have started applying for a few jobs and am going to spend tomorrow afternoon re writing my CV and getting some covering letters written for a few positions that I'm really interested in. One is an internship in London which would be great and mean that I'm in the city. I'd probably have to work full hours through the day and get a night time job but it would be worth it if it means i get an intense course.

I'm going to go plan Monday and Tuesdays Photo shoots now. Just write a word for word of what I'm going to do as I'll only have the hour and i need to utilise it. I need myself and the models to know exactly what i expect. Although a little acting may be needed! I will have to ask for the starting blocks too. SO on Monday I will go and check out available film equipment and then go edit the SCR Zone 3 images. Go home eat and then go take photos at swimming. On Tuesday I can develop the film after work and then do a test sheet and prints if i have time before re shooting on the Tuesday night. I will take both Film and digital so its all backed up. Sounds like a plan to me!!

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